Last month (November, 2010), Dr. Sebi asked me to open up for a lecture he was doing in Washington, D.C. with some of my poetry; poetry on the subject of health and healing. Arriving at the venue, we were immediately approached by a lovely Sister who began to weep at the sight of Sebi. I'm wondering, "What's her problem?" My initial thought was that she was on some "groupie" trip; but then I was humbled to learn she was crying because Sebi's herbal compounds cured her daughter of the debilitating disease known as Lupus. I later learned the woman was also cured of the disease as a result of taking the compounds and adopting the recommended dietary regimen. The picture posted is of the family; the child and woman cured, along with the father/husband and Dr. Sebi.
What's interesting about this is, Sebi had never met the woman, or her family. She received Sebi's herbal compounds from his Los Angeles office, and administered them herself. There were other testimonies that night, as well.
Before I left for this trip, I received a phone call from someone I know who is suffering with the disease known as Leukemia. The person had already ordered the necessary herbal compounds from Sebi's Los Angeles office, but was not taking advantage of them. The person called, sobbing over the phone, fearing death because their condition had become dire. I told the person to stop "sitting" on the Maya iron compound; to DOWN bottle-after-bottle, and to pull it together emotionally, to keep the attitude optimistic (necessary for the healing process). Having to leave for D.C. the following day, I would not know how the person would fare.
Checking my e-mails upon my return, I received a message from one of the person's colleagues who said the person had made a remarkable recovery; that the new regime of diet and herbs revived him to the point he was back to work a few days after taking the compounds.
What the person saw as "remarkable" is actually no big deal. I understand why Sebi said he didn't feel he accomplished anything "grand" when he cured his first AIDS patient, because as "remarkable" as it sounds, he didn't do anything remarkable; all he did was develop herbal compounds that cleanse the diseased host and rebuilds the tissue damaged by the disease. We are conditioned to believe this is "remarkable"; indoctrinated to believe disease is in control, and our only recourse is to "manage" the disease with toxic drugs at best, and await our eventual demise. I said BULLSHIT to that when I was a teenager, realizing no one can know more about what I need for my body than ME. I was indoctrinated like the rest of society, but somehow I managed to escape the consensus that we're at the mercy of doctors and disease. I became truly sick an' tired of bein' sick an' tired, and began my quest to heal myself of whatever was ailing me back in 1974.
We're so conditioned, we make excuses as to why we can't heal ourselves. "It's genetic" is one of the most common ones. It may be true that a disease is prevalent in the family line, but so are the diet and lifestyle habits. Whatever is being consumed is "attaching" itself to the genetic makeup; strengtening or weakening it. So-called "genetic" diseases can and have been reversed. Many times.
I've personally met people cured not only of Lupus, but also of Cancer, Diabetes, Arthritis, various STD's, Infertility, Hair Loss, and Schizophrenia. I've reversed several conditions myself, one recently being Pancreatitis. It really is no "big deal"; this may amaze -- even anger some of you, but it won't prevent me from announcing the truth. There are NO "incurable" diseases -- ONLY incurable PEOPLE. Sebi was simply able to see OUTSIDE of the conditioning; allopathic medicine has no cures for disease because their premise and methodology does not and cannot produce any cures. Sebi's compounds are successful in curing disease because they were not created based on the tried and untrue methods of the allopaths.
Goes with the old saying, "To get a different result, you have to do a different thing." That's all.